Vol 38 No 2 (2014)

Published: 2014-07-08


Natural light as a determinant of the identity of architectural space

Ilker Fatih Ozorhon, Turkan Ulusu Uraz
Abstract 1158 | PDF Downloads 3185 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2014.916513

Page 107-119

Developing a new paradigm for performance of educating city theory in advanced technology mega-cities, case: Tehran, Iran

Masoome Amini, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Mohammad Reza Bemanian, Elham Hatami Varzaneh
Abstract 705 | PDF Downloads 541 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2014.925629

Page 130-141

Page 148-160

Lietuvos kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių pokyčių tyrimai

Pranas Aleknavičius, Marius Aleknavičius, Sigita Akelaitytė
Abstract 691 | PDF Downloads 924 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/20297955.2014.924284

Page 161-172