
Reading the past: analysis of the impact of prevalent pandemics on cities


Throughout history, dozens of epidemics have appeared cyclically, often causing devastating effects. Some of them, such as plague, cholera, and tuberculosis, have led to significant social, economic, and political consequences, with evident repercussions on cities and architecture. In this regard, urban planning has played an essential role in improving life expectancy and limiting the spread of epidemics. This work aims to study the influence of prevalent pandemics on architecture and urbanism over the centuries to comprehend their response and adaption to new health and social requirements. Through a process of investigation and in-depth examination of the literature review, it has been possible to understand the impact of pandemics in cities. The appearance of the first preventive measures during the plague period, the urban interventions to combat the cholera outbreak, and the neat architectural features adopted following the appearance of tuberculosis are witnesses to this process. Professionals and academics are reflecting on the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, which will affect the practice of architecture and urban design. Thanks to the results obtained, it will be possible to reflect on the impact of the pandemic on contemporary cities, understand their potential resilience and hypothesise future strategies.

Keyword : pandemic, Covid-19, hygienic conditions, plague, cholera, tuberculosis

How to Cite
Farina, S., Mileto, C., & Vegas, F. (2023). Reading the past: analysis of the impact of prevalent pandemics on cities. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 47(2), 163–170.
Published in Issue
Nov 22, 2023
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