
Acetone, xylene and ammonia removal enhancement in the biofilter packed with steam modified biochar

    Luiza Usevičiūtė Affiliation
    ; Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė   Affiliation
    ; Pranas Baltrėnas Affiliation
    ; Susmita Dutta   Affiliation


The present study evaluated short-time effect of steam modified biochar with rhamnolipid solution on the removal of different volatile organic and inorganic compounds (acetone, xylene, ammonia) in biofilter with capillary system. Modification of pine wood biochar with steam governed better treatment of pollar acetone and ammonia compounds from the air stream with removal efficiencies of 93% and 96%, respectively. It was related to biochar’s higher average capillary radius, moisture content and lower air velocity. However, removal of xylene was much lower and reached 72% in the case of modified biochar. It can be explained by its higher Henry’s constant, hydrophobicity and non-polarity.

Keyword : gas-phase biofiltration, biochar, air cleaning technologies, steam, rhamnolipid solution, volatile organic compounds, ammonia

How to Cite
Usevičiūtė, L., Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, E., Baltrėnas, P., & Dutta, S. (2022). Acetone, xylene and ammonia removal enhancement in the biofilter packed with steam modified biochar. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 30(3), 412–423.
Published in Issue
Oct 10, 2022
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