
Urban development effect on passive house energy consumption


The paper describes one of the energy-efficient building concepts – a passive house. In the course of the work, a multifamily residential house was simulated in order to determine its constructive and spatial parameters that would ensure a passive house with energy efficiency in compliance with the fixed standards. The climatic data of the Latvian capital, Riga, were applied to this building simulation. Initially, an optimal orientation and maximum theoretical insulation of the building were chosen. At the second stage, the external factors – the shade caused by the surrounding buildings and effect of the building orientation dictated by the existing urban conditions – were studied based on the previously achieved energy efficiency rating. The results evidenced that the layout of window apertures and change of orientation, as well as shading caused by the surrounding buildings, plaid a significant role in the rating of the building energy efficiency nonetheless it did not interfere with achieving the passive house standards.

Article in English.

Miesto plėtros įtaka pasyvaus namo energijos vartojimui

Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama viena iš energiją tausojančių pastatų formų – pasyvus namas. Atliekant konstrukcijų ir erdvinio planavimo parametrų tyrimus, buvo imituojamas daugiabutis gyvenamasis namas, turėjęs užtikrinti pasyvaus namo energijos taupymą ir atitikti visus standartus. Imitaciniam modeliui buvo pasirinkti Rygos miesto klimatiniai duomenys. Rezultatų išvados byloja, kad langų padėtis ir aplinkinių namų šešėliavimas daro esminę įtaką energiniam namo efektyvumui, bet, nepaisant to, įmanoma atitikti pasyvaus namo standartus.

Raktiniai žodžiai: energiją taupantis namas, pasyvaus namo orientacija.

Keyword : energy-efficient house, passive house orientation

How to Cite
Suvorovs, E. (2011). Urban development effect on passive house energy consumption. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 3(3), 38-44.
Published in Issue
Jun 7, 2011
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