
Numerical validation of probabilistic laws to evaluate finite element error estimates


We propose a numerical validation of a probabilistic approach applied to estimate the relative accuracy between two Lagrange finite elements Pk and Pm,(k < m). In particular, we show practical cases where finite element Pk gives more accurate results than finite element Pm. This illustrates the theoretical probabilistic framework we recently derived in order to evaluate the actual accuracy. This also highlights the importance of the extra caution required when comparing two numerical methods, since the classical results of error estimates concerns only the asymptotic convergence rate.

Keyword : numerical validation, error estimates, finite elements, Bramble-Hilbert lemma, probability

How to Cite
Chaskalovic, J., & Assous, F. (2021). Numerical validation of probabilistic laws to evaluate finite element error estimates. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 26(4), 684-695.
Published in Issue
Nov 26, 2021
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