
A numerical method for solving a complete hypersingular integral equation of the second kind and its justification

    Oleksii V. Kostenko   Affiliation


A complete hypersingular integral equation of the second kind was obtained as a boundary integral equation for the diffraction and scattering problem of electromagnetic waves in space separated by the periodically placed non-perfectly conducting strips. The equation includes a singular integral that distinguishes it from the studied second-kind hypersingular equation. Our motivation is the need to have a numerical method for the equation, its applicability borders, and guaranteed convergence. The numerical method has the type of Nyström. The justification of the method envelops a proof of the theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution and an estimate of the convergence rate of sequence of the approximate solutions to an exact solution.

Keyword : complete hypersingular integral equation, singular integral, integral with the logarithmic kernel, numerical method, Nyström-type, existence, uniqueness, convergence rate, model problem, numerical convergence

How to Cite
Kostenko, O. V. (2023). A numerical method for solving a complete hypersingular integral equation of the second kind and its justification. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(4), 689–714.
Published in Issue
Oct 20, 2023
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