
On the regularity criterion on one velocity component for the micropolar fluid equations

    Ravi P. Agarwal   Affiliation
    ; Ahmad M. Alghamdi   Affiliation
    ; Sadek Gala   Affiliation
    ; Maria Alessandra Ragusa   Affiliation


In this paper, we establish a regularity criterion for micropolar fluid flows in terms of the one component of the velocity in critical Morrey-Campanato space. More precisely, we show that if where

then the weak solution (u,w) is regular.

Keyword : micropolar fluid equations, weak solutions, regularity criterion, Morrey-Campanato spaces

How to Cite
Agarwal, R. P., Alghamdi, A. M., Gala, S., & Ragusa, M. A. (2023). On the regularity criterion on one velocity component for the micropolar fluid equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(2), 271–284.
Published in Issue
Mar 21, 2023
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