
An effective computational approach based on Hermite wavelet Galerkin for solving parabolic Volterra partial integro differential equations and its convergence analysis

    Yaser Rostami   Affiliation


In this research article Hermite wavelet based Galerkin method is developed for the numerical solution of Volterra integro-differential equations in onedimension with initial and boundary conditions. These equations include the partial differential of an unknown function and the integral term containing the unknown function which is the memory of the problem. Wavelet analysis is a recently developed mathematical tool in applied mathematics. For this purpose, Hermit wavelet Galerkin method has proven a very powerful numerical technique for the stable and accurate solution of giving boundary value problem. The theorem of convergence analysis and compare some numerical examples with the use of the proposed method and the exact solutions shows the efficiency and high accuracy of the proposed method. Several figures are plotted to establish the error analysis of the approach presented.

Keyword : Volterra partial integro-differential equation, Hermite wavelet, Galerkin method

How to Cite
Rostami, Y. (2023). An effective computational approach based on Hermite wavelet Galerkin for solving parabolic Volterra partial integro differential equations and its convergence analysis. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(1), 163–179.
Published in Issue
Jan 19, 2023
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