
Difference methods to one and multidimensional interdiffusion models with Vegard rule

    Bogusław Bożek   Affiliation
    ; Lucjan Sapa Affiliation
    ; Marek Danielewski Affiliation


In this work we consider the one and multidimensional diffusional transport in an s-component solid solution. The new model is expressed by the nonlinear parabolic-elliptic system of strongly coupled differential equations with the initial and the nonlinear coupled boundary conditions. It is obtained from the local mass conservation law for fluxes which are a sum of the diffusional and Darken drift terms, together with the Vegard rule. The considered boundary conditions allow the physical system to be not only closed but also open. We construct the implicit finite difference methods (FDM) generated by some linearization idea, in the one and two-dimensional cases. The theorems on existence and uniqueness of solutions of the implicit difference schemes, and the theorems concerned convergence and stability are proved. We present the approximate concentrations, drift and its potential for a ternary mixture of nickel, copper and iron. Such difference methods can be also generalized on the three-dimensional case. The agreement between the theoretical results, numerical simulations and experimental data is shown.

Keyword : interdiffusion, Darken method, Vegard rule, parabolic-elliptic nonlinear differential system, implicit finite difference method, existence and uniqueness of solutions to difference scheme, convergence, stability

How to Cite
Bożek, B., Sapa, L., & Danielewski, M. (2019). Difference methods to one and multidimensional interdiffusion models with Vegard rule. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24(2), 276-296.
Published in Issue
Mar 18, 2019
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