
A history-dependent frictional contact problem with wear for thermoviscoelastic materials

    Lamia Chouchane Affiliation
    ; Lynda Selmani Affiliation


In this manuscript we study a contact problem between a deformable viscoelastic body and a rigid foundation. Thermal effects, wear and friction between surfaces are taken into account. A variational formulation of the problem is supplied and an existence and uniqueness result is proved. The idea of the proof rested on a recent result on history-dependent quasivariational inequalities. Finally, a perturbation of the data is initiated and a convergence result is demonstrated when the perturbation parameter converges to zero.

Keyword : viscoelastic material, thermal effects, friction, history-dependent quasivariational inequality, convergence result

How to Cite
Chouchane, L., & Selmani, L. (2019). A history-dependent frictional contact problem with wear for thermoviscoelastic materials. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24(3), 351-371.
Published in Issue
Apr 19, 2019
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