
Constructing a network evaluation framework for improving the financial ecosystem in small-medium size firms

    Cheng Shian Lin Affiliation
    ; Chun Yueh Lin Affiliation


This study presents an evaluation framework to measure the various operations to acquire the optimal core operation (CO) when financier provides the supply chain finance (SCF) services in smartphone industry supply chain (SC). The proposed model applies the modify Delphi method and analytic network process (ANP). First, the evaluation model establishes a network with three criteria, eleven sub-criteria and four operations. Next, the ANP is utilized to the framework to obtain the relative weights of the criteria. Finally, the application of the multi-criteria decision making process will list the optimal CO on the basis of their rankings in the framework.The proposed model and the relevant research results can provide academic support to the decision-makers on finance sector with a valuable objective guide for assessing the CO of smartphone industry SC programs to determine the optimal solution in their actual administration of SCF service practices.

Keyword : Small-Medium Size Enterprise (SMEs), supply chain finance (SCF), core operation (CO), dependent relationship (DR), analytic network process (ANP), smartphone industry

How to Cite
Lin, C. S., & Lin, C. Y. (2018). Constructing a network evaluation framework for improving the financial ecosystem in small-medium size firms. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), 893-913.
Published in Issue
May 17, 2018
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