
The regional differences and random convergence of urban resilience in China

    Tao Shi Affiliation
    ; Yurong Qiao Affiliation
    ; Qian Zhou Affiliation
    ; Jiguang Zhang Affiliation


This paper focuses on calculating resilience index of 282 cities in China from 2012 to 2019, to analysis the regional differences and random convergence. We use the entropy method to calculate the urban resilience index, adopt the Dagum Gini coefficient method to analyze the regional differences and the sources, explore the variation coefficients method and beta convergence model to diagnose the convergence mechanism. The conclusions are: (1) The urban resilience in China is at a medium and low level with a stable growth tendency, with a significant regional unbalance of “higher in east, and lower in other regions”. As the sub-resilience, there is a big gap in the regional difference of the resilience structure with good performance in social resilience and economic resilience, poor in ecological resilience and infrastructure resilience. (2) The Gini coefficient of urban resilience continuously decreases with the regional unbalance narrowing accordingly. The Gini coefficients in different regions have a phased convergence tendency, and the hypervariable density contribution and intra-regional differences contribution are the main sources of differences in urban resilience. (3) The urban resilience in China and eastern region has σ convergence, while China and all regions have significant absolute β and conditional β convergence. Therefore, this paper proposes to continuously accelerate the urban resilient construction, make up for the shortcomings, and narrow the regional development gap, to promote the healthy and orderly development of cities.

First published online 19 May 2022

Keyword : urban resilience index, regional differences, random convergence, China

How to Cite
Shi, T., Qiao, Y., Zhou, Q., & Zhang, J. (2022). The regional differences and random convergence of urban resilience in China. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 28(4), 979–1002.
Published in Issue
Jun 7, 2022
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