
An intiutionistic fuzzy multi-expert and multi-criteria system for effective performance management

    Ahmet Beskese Affiliation
    ; Cengiz Kahraman Affiliation
    ; Shirli Ender Buyukbay Affiliation
    ; Faik Tunc Bozbura Affiliation


Organizations, in their pursuit of accomplishing their vision and goals, need effective management of human resources. Performance Management, among other Human Resources Management (HRM) practices, is the central function, as it delivers the necessary data that complements and enables the other functions. Building an effective performance management system is a multicriteria problem that requires contribution from experts having diverse backgrounds. Moreover, performance management is an inherently vague concept since almost the whole process requires linguistic assessments rather than numerical ones. Hence, to handle all those issues, an intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria and multi-expert analytical hierarchy process (AHP) based management model is proposed in this paper. In the determination of the criteria weights of the model, both the aggregated and compromised assessments of the experts are used in order to observe the effects of these two methods on the results. A numerical application is given to illustrate the use of the model.

Keyword : aggregated group decisions, compromised decisions, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), human resources management (HRM), intuitionistic fuzzy sets, performance management

How to Cite
Beskese, A., Kahraman, C., Ender Buyukbay, S., & Bozbura, F. T. (2018). An intiutionistic fuzzy multi-expert and multi-criteria system for effective performance management. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(6), 2179-2201.
Published in Issue
Nov 21, 2018
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