A new analytical methodology to handle time-cost trade-off problem with considering quality loss cost under interval-valued fuzzy uncertainty
This paper proposes a new framework in addressing time-cost trade-off problem (TCTP) under uncertainty. First critical path analysis is carried out based on developing a new interval-valued fuzzy (IVF)-program evaluation and review technique (PERT) approach. Then, non-conformance risks that influence on execution quality of activities are identified and evaluated based on a new approach that considers probability of risk along with impacts on time, cost, and performance. Then, a new mathematical model under IVF uncertainty is presented to decrease project total time while considering time, cost and quality loss cost that is determined in form of rework or modification cost. Finally, the approach categorizes the activities in three groups based on their level of criticality. Outcome of this methodology is a scheduling that addresses time, cost and quality trade-offs in addition to categorizing activities in different groups based on being on the critical path. Therefore, the project manager not only gets a scheduling based on the TCTP with considering quality loss cost but also has a knowledge of activities that require extra attentions. To show the steps of this methodology, an existing application from the literature is adopted and solved.
Keyword : time-cost trade-off problems, quality loss cost, project non-conformance risks, intervalvalued fuzzy-program evaluation and review technique, interval-valued fuzzy sets

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