
Stability analysis for heterogeneous traffic flow with lane-change disturbance

    Hao Li Affiliation
    ; Yun Pu Affiliation
    ; Lingjuan Chen Affiliation
    ; Xiaoyu Luo Affiliation


Stability analysis and benefit estimation have substantial implications for lane-change decision-making to reduce delay and variation. Connected platoons drive with minor headway to increase capacity, whereas dividing or reforming platoons significantly impacts traveling efficiency. Therefore, this article focuses on the instability of the platoon caused by an en-route lane-change. Construction of platoon forming, combination rules, and car-following models for various vehicle types are presented to describe driving behaviours. Then, a velocity adjustment and a model for lane-change preparation and recovery are proposed. In addition, a group of stability recognition indexes and related stability evaluation factors are presented. Experiments involving numerical comparisons of the proposed factors are conducted to demonstrate the propagation properties of the instability and reveal the fluctuation degree. The variation duration, velocity variation range, and total delay are the primary indicators for evaluating lane-change feasibility. The models and findings can be applied effectively in practice to determine the optimal time and location for en-route lane-change and to assist with traffic management and lane selection at the entrance.

Keyword : heterogeneous traffic flow, lane-change, cooperative adaptive cruise control platoons, stability analysis, disturbance propagation, fluctuation degree

How to Cite
Li, H., Pu, Y., Chen, L., & Luo, X. (2024). Stability analysis for heterogeneous traffic flow with lane-change disturbance. Transport, 39(1), 37–53.
Published in Issue
Apr 12, 2024
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