Vol 30 No 3 (2022)

Published: 2022-08-05


Comparison of remaining coal-burning ash-based on Cd, Pb, and Hg concentration at different temperatures: a case study in Aceh Province

Asri Gani, Erdiwansyah Erdiwansyah, R. E. Sardjono, Mariana Mariana, Rizalman Mamat
Abstract 578 | PDF Downloads 525 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.16294

Page 342–349

The development stage of Xiamen City and related environment evolution

Tianhai Zhang, Lina Tang, Yanhua Wen, Chenxing Wang
Abstract 582 | PDF Downloads 507 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17407

Page 350–362

Role of thermodynamic processes in plant leaf gas exchange system for assimilation of CO2 emissions from the ambient air

Algimantas Sirvydas, Tomas Ūksas, Paulius Kerpauskas, Rasa Čingienė
Abstract 405 | PDF Downloads 424 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17409

Page 363–369

Analysis of the radon concentrations in natural mineral and tap water using Lucas cells technique

M. R. Calin, A. C. Ion, I. Radulescu, C. A. Simion, M. M. Mincu, I. Ion
Abstract 639 | PDF Downloads 583 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17411

Page 370–379

Efficiency limiting factors of petrochemical wastewater treatment using hybrid biological reactor

Mohd Elmuntasir Ahmed, Andrzej Mydlarczyk, Adel Al-Haddad
Abstract 496 | PDF Downloads 388 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17633

Page 380–392

Possible impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on domestic wastewater characteristics in Kuwait

Mohd Elmuntasir Ahmed, Adel Al-Haddad, Ali Bualbanat
Abstract 586 | PDF Downloads 387 SM Downloads 216 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17634

Page 393–411

Acetone, xylene and ammonia removal enhancement in the biofilter packed with steam modified biochar

Luiza Usevičiūtė, Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, Pranas Baltrėnas, Susmita Dutta
Abstract 590 | PDF Downloads 478 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17412

Page 412–423

Formation of the intellectual systems for the territorial development of land administration in the coastal regions

Andrii Bieliatynskyi, Wen Mingming, Liu Chang, Kostyantyn Mamonov, Olena Dymchenko
Abstract 515 | PDF Downloads 358 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17632

Page 424–432

Ecological security measurement based on functionality-organization-stability in inland of Three Gorges Reservoir area

Likun Zhan, Xianhua Guo, Tingzhen Li, Xi Liu, Chendong Lu, Na Zhang, Zenghui Lu
Abstract 455 | PDF Downloads 300 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17408

Page 433–449

The potential soil organic carbon stocks in mangrove areas of Sinjai District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Abdul Malik, Muhammad Ichsan Ali, Suwardi Annas, Abdul Rasyid Jalil, Restu Utami Mulya, Konstantina Gravani
Abstract 799 | PDF Downloads 558 SM Downloads 181 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/jeelm.2022.17638

Page 450–456