
A comparative analysis of the aerodynamic performance of supersonic missiles with conical and ogive nose shapes

    Mahdi Goucem Affiliation
    ; Raouf Khiri Affiliation


This paper presents a numerical study conducted to analyze the aerodynamic performance of supersonic missiles consisting of a cylindrical body and four flat-plate rear fins arranged uniformly, equipped with conical and ogive heads. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed using the ANSYS Fluent 17.1 solver, along with the Gambit grid generation software. The objective was to compare the aerodynamic characteristics of these two head designs in terms of drag, lift, and stability at supersonic speeds. Various flow parameters, including Mach number and angle of attack, were investigated to comprehensively assess the performance of the missile configurations. The results indicate clear differences in the aerodynamic behavior of conical and ogive heads. Specifically, there was a 2–11 percent increase in the lift coefficient of the conical heads compared to the ogive heads, and an increase in the drag coefficient of both conical and ogive heads.

Keyword : supersonic missile, conical and ogive heads, CFD simulations, aerodynamic coefficients, Mach number, angle of attack

How to Cite
Goucem, M., & Khiri, R. (2024). A comparative analysis of the aerodynamic performance of supersonic missiles with conical and ogive nose shapes. Aviation, 28(3), 188–196.
Published in Issue
Oct 30, 2024
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