
The conditional stability and an iterative regularization method for a fractional inverse elliptic problem of Tricomi-Gellerstedt-Keldysh type

    Sebti Djemoui   Affiliation
    ; Mohamed S. E. Meziani Affiliation
    ; Nadjib Boussetila Affiliation


The present paper is devoted to identifying an inaccessible boundary condition for a fractional elliptic problem of Tricomi-Gellerstedt-Keldysh-type. Using the expansion Fourier method, the considered problem can be reformulated as an operator equation of the first kind. To construct a stabilized approximate solution we employ a variant of the iterative method. We also present error estimates between the exact solution and the regularized solution by the a priori and the a posteriori parameter choice rules. Finally, some numerical verifications on the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm is presented.

Keyword : fractional elliptic equations, Tricomi-Gellerstedt-Keldysh equations, ill-posed problems, inverse problems, a posteriori parameter choice rule, iterative regularization method

How to Cite
Djemoui, S., Meziani, M. S. E., & Boussetila, N. (2024). The conditional stability and an iterative regularization method for a fractional inverse elliptic problem of Tricomi-Gellerstedt-Keldysh type. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 29(1), 23–45.
Published in Issue
Feb 22, 2024
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